Simmons Wood Bluebell Walk

If you’re looking for a picturesque and tranquil walk to experience the beauty of nature during your glamping retreat, then the Simmons Wood Bluebell Walk from Redhill Holidays is an excellent choice. This circular walk takes approximately 2 hours and offers a chance to immerse yourself in the stunning bluebell woods that are abundant in this part of Herefordshire. Not only will you have the opportunity to see the beautiful bluebells, but you’ll also be able to explore the diverse flora and fauna that make this area so special.

So, put on your walking boots, grab your camera, and get ready to enjoy a peaceful and memorable walk through the Simmons Wood Bluebell Walk.

To get started head out of the car park and down the hill.

You get to the bottom of the hill and before you start climbing up the hill again there is one road and then two drives. You want to take the last drive. In the picture our dog Buzz is at the first drive you want the next one.

You will head down a drive and there will be Rose Cottage on your right but keep left and head down. You will come into what seems like someone’s car park, but it is a right of way. Just after the garage with a home gym, you will see a gap. Head down the hill. Fizz our other dog is in the gap.

At the bottom of the hill, you will see a gate go through this and across the old bridge. Walk up the hill in the direction of the telegraph pole.

Once at the telegraph pole head diagonally down to a gate and style. Once over the style, head towards the road which is in front of the trees and the old barn. There is a kissing gate there.       

Go through the kissing gate cross the little road and head across the field to the bottom right hand side of the field keeping the large Cedar tree on your right and Whitbourne Hall on your left.

Whitbourne Hall was built between 1860 and 1862 and was built off the profits of vinegar by Edward Bickerton Evans. The vinegar works in Worcester were the largest in the world in 1903. The hall was often called “ Vinegar Hall”. You can just see as you walk past the Palm House which until 1930 was clad in glass and had a roof. The Hall was sold in the 1980s and converted into flats. The Evans family still owns the Whitbourne Estate.

When you get to the bottom right of the field you will see a bridge, cross this and head straight across the field. As you walk you will see a style in the hedge on the bottom edge of the field.

Cross the style and you will come to a second one, the path drops down some steps after the second style into a farm. Walk straight ahead between the two buildings.

Once past the buildings you will see another style through a small paddock, cross that and you will get to another style. Once over the style turn bear right you will see another gate with a footpath sign very close. 

Go through the gate and head down the hill walking along the hedge which is on your right hand side. At the bottom of the hill, you will see another gate with a footpath sign. Go through this and walk diagonally to the left to a small bridge. Turn right as you leave the bridge and walk up the hill following the line of the fence on your right hand side.

You will come to another gate, go through and follow the path up the hill following the line of the hedge on your left hand side. You will go through another gate and keep following the line of the hedge on the left hand side, passing the electrical poles.

Once past the electricity poles go to the second gate (wooden) in the hedge you have been following. Go through the gate which means you will be turning left. Follow along the brow of the hill keeping the fence then the trees on the left hand side. In spring these woods, Simmons Wood are full of bluebells.

Follow the woods along and you will eventually start going downhill. You will see a cottage on the left and a gate straight ahead. The gate takes you onto a small road. Be careful as it can be busy at times. Go through the gate and turn left and walk down the road. You will pass the cottage on your left hand side. Cross the cattle grid and head down the road until it bears to the left. You want to continue walking in a straight line across the field. Follow the arrow on the post not the sign as it has fallen over.

You will see a style in the hedge. Cross the syle and head over the bridge.

Follow the yellow arrows and you will come to another bridge. This crosses the Sapey Brook which is the boundary between Worcestershire and Herefordshire. The estate has an interesting series of sluices to control the water flow. Cross the bridge, the actual footpath goes straight across the field but there is a fenced in area that follows the Brook, and most people use this. Climb the fence next to the giant redwood and keep following the path until you reach a gate. You will see the gardens of Whitbourne Hall over the brook on the left. There are lots of interesting trees like Cedars of Lebanon, Monkey Puzzle tress, and the Victoria status symbols, the giant redwoods.

Go through the gate and the kissing gate and turn left and walk past the lodge house. Do not turn up the drive to Whitbourne Hall. You will come to a style just after the concreted gateway into the field. 

Cross the style and follow the field along the fence line and you will come to another field. There is a stile on the right of the big tree. Go across the stile and keep following the fence line.

You will come to a style (middle picture) on your right hand side about halfway along the fence. However, this path is often overgrown. If it is we turn up the field following the tree line and fence and you will come to another style (which you crossed earlier) with a gate next to it. Cross the stile and head up to the telegraph pole.

Once at the telegraph poll head down the hill and you will come to the old stone bridge you crossed earlier. Cross the bridge, the brook is the Linceter Brook. You will see a gate and a style, go through the gate.

Once through the gate, there is a wooden bridge (mind the holes), and head straight up the hill. You are back at the garage with weights. Head straight down the drive this time keeping the house on your left. You will see another drive to the left to Rose Cottage. Keep to the right and the drive will bring you back onto the road. Turn left and keep on this road. You will walk up the hill where you will see the Redhill sign and you are back at the car park.

Thanks to James, Fizz and Buzz, Wilf, Stan, Karen, Jamie, Lucy, Max, and Lily for helping!

We hope you enjoy the walk.